Educating Anyone And Everyone

Educating Anyone And Everyone:

Howdy friends,

I don’t know about you, but I love to learn.

If I’ve gone through a day and haven’t discovered anything new, then something’s wrong.

I’m always ready and willing to be taught.

Still, I can’t say I know everything.

And if people ask me something I don’t know, I’d say: I don’t know.

There’s no point pretending.

No point assuming I know it all.

You see, a logical person will listen and continue to learn.

And an understanding person will gain direction.

For this reason, I love it when a niece or nephew pops along and teaches me something new.

And I love listening to those who have advanced in years.

I love to drink from the well of their vast experience.

I love hearing the old-time stories.

And yes, I love learning life lessons from real smart people, no matter their age.

I love reaching higher with others and towards others.

I mean, I love to impart knowledge.

Anyhow, here’s an excellent quote by Mark Twain:

“Age is an issue of mind over matter.

If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”

Once we’ve sorted that, we are attentive to the restrictions of our own learning and reasoning.

Sure-enough, we become alert and fully informed of our own lack of ability.

Some of us recognise our limitations.

Because of this, we look for direction or advice as to a decision or course of action.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Without good direction, we will lose our way.

The more sound advice we follow, the better our chances.

So, let’s gain knowledge from anyone and everyone we can.

Now, young people, it’s wonderful to be young!

Enjoy every minute of it.

Oh, to be restored to the vim and vigour of youth!

The very picture of health:

Running, with strength kinda like a deer.

But let’s get to the point in hand:

Don’t let anyone belittle you because you are young!

Instead, show everyone, young and old, an example of how to live:

Be ready to move away from the place where you feel familiar, at ease, and in control.

Try something different.

Something new.

Do something like nothing done before.




Don’t worry about badly botching or muddling something up!

There could be moments when you may not look very bright.

Well, don’t give-up when you mess-up!

Try again!

Learn from your mistakes.

Don’t brashly announce what you’re going to do tomorrow.

None of us know the first thing about tomorrow.

Incidentally, stay away from stupid and senseless arguments.

These only lead to trouble.

Harness your hobby-horse!

Keep in check that topic to which you constantly return!

Climb down from your soap-box and remain friends.

Remember, arrogant know-it-alls stir up discord.

But sensible men and women listen to each other’s advice.

By all means, gently share with everyone about your passions.

Surprise everyone with what you know.

We could profit from it.

Consider this:

Our heavenly Pa has had it with the proud.

But takes delight in just plain people.

Plain, ordinary people.

The mums and dads and sons and daughters:

Found in the ordinary course of events.

Through every day.

The mundane.

The routine.

The run of the mill.

It’s here, that He pours out His grace on the humbly.

The reality is, our identity isn’t located in a record of successes or scholarly intelligence:

Similarly, our identity isn’t set by a failure to reach goals or lack of basic skills:

But rather, our identity is clearly defined as children of our heavenly Pa who loves us so.

What a thought!

To think, it’s these exceptional people who tell their stories best.

So, always do the right thing.

Be faithful, loving, and easy to get along with.

Be commonsensical!


David Prince: Full-time Husband To Rachel – Writer Of Stuff – Receiver Of Grace – Drinker Of Tea – & Hearty Neighbour.

Meet David.

Meet Rachel.

Now friend, if this message has comforted or challenged you, please click the recommend button found before this post.

Thank you.


Daily Verse from Devoted Dawn to Dusk:

Cognitively Skilful.

Everyone Who Has Faith.

God Knows.


Living Loved Over And Again.

Our Saviour.

Walking Through Treacle.

Bible References:

Job 33:25

Psalm 103:5

Proverbs 1:5

Proverbs 9:9

Proverbs 11:14

Proverbs 27:1

Ecclesiastes 11:9

Habakkuk 3:19

1 Timothy 4:12

2 Timothy 2:22-23

1 Peter 5:5

Contemporary English Version.

God’s Word Translation.

The Message.

The Voice.

Bible Gateway.

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