Jesus – Lifeline

Jesus – Lifeline:

God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never really die.

Yes, that’s right!

God’s Son Jesus was sent to earth to rescue everyone of us from our sins.

Jesus died for us, by being subjected to death on a cross.

His sacrificial love bought our freedom.

Jesus has forgiven our sins and carry’s on wanting to help us.

All we have to do is:-

Talk to God, admit our wrong-doings, and turn away from sin.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive Him into our hearts.

Follow Jesus, and give Him control of every aspect of our lives.

Friend, simply let Jesus be the companion you need today.

Listen, when talking to God, here’s an example of what you could say:

Dear Father God – I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son.

I admit to You that I’ve missed the mark, and I am really sorry for the times my words and actions have gone against You.

I ask You to forgive me and free me from the past.

Here and now – I receive Your Son as my personal Saviour.

Jesus, thank You for dying for me and giving me a brand new start.

Thank You for giving me a new identity with a real sense of belonging and purpose.

Thank You for the gift of eternal life.

By Your Spirit, flood my heart with real love.


Friend, if you have prayed this prayer and accepted Jesus Christ into your life today – please seek out some Christians near you and tell them your story.


John 3:16

What Next – New Way.

New Day – New Start – New Life – New Hope:

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